Systemics #3. Against the idea of growth, towards poetry (or, how to build a universe that doesn't fall apart two days later)
Kunsthal Aarhus
11 January - 2 April 2014
"Waste grounds are the most concrete emblems of every economic cycle." (Roberto Saviano, Gomorrah, 2006)
The exhibition, that partly borrows its title from Danish artist Jacob Kolding , reflects on the relationship between advanced technologies and everyday life; the complex global processes that shape current economic, cultural and social realities, and how human and technological agents combine in the global flows of production and capital.
The exhibition explores our reliance on algorithmic logic and machines; the preoccupation with numbers, calculations, efficiency, progress and profit that seems to extend to all dimensions of human life. Food technologies, biotechnologies, waste, rubbish, spam and debt make comment on the larger realities and ecological consequences of the desire for endless growth and accumulation of objects. Artistic production presents a different model, informs the renewed interest in alternative economics, de-growth and ideas related to "common wealth".
R Y Sirb performance Workers of The World at Kunsthal Aarhus 19 February 2014